The I-70 series features the relics of service stations found along Interstate 70 between St. Louis and Kansas City Missouri.  These two cities inhabit the most easterly and most westerly areas of the state.  Interstate 70 links these two provincial
 The I-70 series features the relics of service stations found along Interstate 70 between St. Louis and Kansas City Missouri.  These two cities inhabit the most easterly and most westerly areas of the state.  Interstate 70 links these two provincial

The I-70 series features the relics of service stations found along Interstate 70 between St. Louis and Kansas City Missouri. These two cities inhabit the most easterly and most westerly areas of the state. Interstate 70 links these two provincial cities in an almost straight line. While traveling between those two cities I observed numerous abandoned fuel and service stations that dot the landscape on either side of that highway. I found these structures compelling. These lonely broken buildings possess those transitory themes I’m compelled to visit in my work. Once with a specific purpose now without, except one that follows that decomposition of compositions. They appear to me as vacant monoliths creating a gauntlet along the open road without threat to the passerby. Without notice or function rendered useless. - Steven Duede
